"I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough. " ~~~ The Notebook~~~

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lifestyle Change Update #1

So it's Day 6 of the radical lifestyle transformation and I'm doing ok. Actually, in many ways I'm surprised at how easy it has been.

A list of items I've changed:

1. "Train" for my long term triatholon goal 5 days a week
2. Be sure to get some form of exercise every day of the week
3. Soda as a special treat only (trying to limit to once a week)
4. Dessert/sweets only once a week (Monday night at the moment)
5. Snacking only on fruits, veggies, and lean proteins
6. Going to bed before 11pm

Looking at this list in print it all seems so simple and not all that "radical". But when compared to life before this decision, it's a pretty major change.

The toughest points so far have been late afternoon (2 to 3 pm) I crash and want to eat sugar sooo badly. Need to figure out how to handle that crash....when and what should I eat to prevent it? Any ideas?

Another difficult point has been figuring in the training, especially if I miss Plan A for the day. I've decided to have a Plan A and a Plan B for every day. That should double my chances for getting in the exercise.

Need to start looking at triatholons a year out from now. I want to be sure to make it a good solid goal. I do better with deadlines as much as I complain about them.

I've enlisted the children's help with the change. They've been super in helping. Oddly, I think they are eating healthier too...although I haven't applied my own restrictions to them.

All in all a good almost week. I guess I'll know it's a changed life style when I no longer count the weeks!

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